Who we serve

Who needs Infosec Check?

Anyone with connectivity, whether computer, cell phone, doorbell camera, and even those that are "not connected" are still part of the connected systems of the world. Your personal information is on a connected system somewhere, so with our awareness improvement and development, Infosec Check serves everyone. 

Entrepreneurs and Solopreneurs need Infosec Check services because they too are connected to the world of information but more so because they are likely in possession of their customers' or clients' information. Improving your knowledge and awareness of Cybersecurity and Information Security best practices is key to running your business under recommended guidelines and understanding where mandatory compliance requirements affect you. 

Infosec Check can serve any organization you are managing or in charge of. Individuals make up organizations. Those individuals need improved security training and awareness. Many organizations are required to have training and awareness development programs to meet regulatory compliance at the organizational level.

Infosec Check provides your organization with the systems to provide MORE than once-per-year training, but a holistic approach of training, coaching, and action steps to level up your members and, as a result, your organizational posture improves. 

What we do

knowledge is key, Awareness, Versatility, adaptation are essential.

Computer and Network Security involves ongoing, updated management, but not just operational management, it also needs an improvement approach to combat the ever-evolving threats. 

  • Training for everyone Individual to Executive Officers
  • Coaching, Interactive Engagement, and Peer Networks
  • Gateways to improved Information Technology - Using Data Backup at the Individual Level, for example.